I think I had a beautiful life. I didn't wish for anything that I couldn't get and I got pretty near everything I wanted because I worked for it.-Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
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I think I had a beautiful life. I didn't wish for anything that I couldn't get and I got pretty near everything I wanted because I worked for it.-Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong
2 comentarios:
Tagore dijo: "Leemos mal el mundo y decimos luego que nos engaña"
El mundo es bello...los que lo tornamos de blanco a negro somos nosotros.
Afortunadamente para todos, el mundo no es: si el cristianismo desvirtuó una cualidad humana, ésa es el libre albedrío. Un mundo negro también puede ser hermoso si uno sabe poner los pies en el lugar adecuado.
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